Английский язык для русскоязычных студентов: корректирующий курс (курс читается на английском языке)
Филологический факультет

With many students learning English tends to become an overlong and somewhat demoralizing process. This happens for a number of reasons: 1) distorting the natural order in which any language should be studied; 2) concentrating on various aspects of language in isolation and taking linguistic material out of context; 3) introducing wrong analogies with the learner’s mother tongue, 4) giving preference to some skills of comprehending and using the language to the detriment of others, etc. As a result after years of studying the language many learners fall far short of linguistic proficiency in the proper sense of the word.

The present course is aimed at helping the learners to bring some order in their often extensive but disarranged knowledge of English. After clarifying some moot points connected with English phonetics, intonation, morphology, lexis and syntax special attention will be given to the so-called functional styles of Modern English in order 1) to establish a certain hierarchy in mastering the language depending on the needs of a particular student and 2 ) to show the invariant features of, and the variability within, a) the conversational, b) the academic, c) the official, d) the journalistic and e) the imaginative functional styles of the English language, for this is something the user of any language including English should be aware of if his communication in this or that language is ever to become effective. The theoretical propositions made will be illustrated with vast authentic practical material, which implies an active participation of the audience in the discussion of various points, and optimized methods of learning and teaching the language will be suggested.

Филологический факультет



Липгарт Андрей Александрович (профессор)

2 учебный корпус, ауд. П-11

Среда 15:10–16:40

Аудиторная [ч]: 24
Самостоятельная [ч]: 12

Осенний семестр 2018/2019 учебного года

Записалось / всего мест
298 / 300